
Condensed Matter Nuclear Science is the study of nuclear behaviors, nuclear reactions, and the quantum interactions within solid materials. In other words, it is the exploration and understanding of nuclear behavior in non-plasma environments. This field of study combines the knowledge and experience of Nuclear Physics, Material Science, Radio-Chemistry, Quantum Physics, Electromagnetics, Solid-State Physics and more. Findings from these seemingly disparate specialties are required to understand, explore, and utilize the energy contained within atomic nuclei.

Reactions and interactions of nuclei in condensed matter are similar to other types of nuclear reactions, but with important differences. Specifically, unlike plasma-based fusion, the solid- state conditions of the host material can initiate and sustain a low energy nuclear reaction (LENR). Low energy nuclear reactions occur at temperatures well below those required for plasma fusion—also called “hot fusion”. This is because the atoms inside the solid material form a three-dimensional regularly repeating pattern, called a “lattice”. Such solid-state lattices can be made to adsorb an abundance of deuterium or hydrogen fuel, with a density that is orders of magnitude greater than in a hot fusion plasma. Furthermore, this high density of fuel is attained at much lower temperatures than in hot fusion. The most intriguing and useful outcome of this increased concentration of fuel is that nuclear fusion can be achieved on a laboratory bench, without requiring expensive equipment or massively large facilities.

The solid-state lattice offers unique enhancements not realizable in a plasma-based reactor. For example, the released energy from the previous reactions can create a quantum resonance within the lattice, via phonons and other quantum effects, which are not compatible with a diffuse plasma environment. Also defects within the lattice—such as gaps or voids—can contain increased densities of fuel, causing even higher reaction rates therein. Another enhancement occurs when the attributes of the host material itself change as a function of the deuterium density in the lattice. For example, it is well known that when the density of deuterium is increased in the lattice, certain materials become superconductive, the work function of the electrons is decreased, the magnetic susceptibility changes, and the electronic heat capacity of the material decreases. When these effects occur, the detrimental energy loss of electron/ion collision is mitigated, allowing for an increased reaction rate within the lattice. These enhancements are a fundamental feature of the host lattice, and they work together to increase the probability of a nuclear reaction. Thus, the lattice itself allows these reactions to occur with a controlled and continuous chain reaction. Such chain reactions have not been achieved in plasma-type hot fusion.

A single comprehensive theoretical explanation of LENR is still being developed, so agreement on a detailed understanding of the key processes is still converging toward a definitive explanation. Fortunately, this creates a rare opportunity for ongoing exploration and discovery, without demanding a huge budget. This is exactly what makes the field of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science an exciting and intriguing field to explore, especially for new and younger scientists who want to create a better source of clean and abundant energy for humanity.