About Us
The International Society for Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ISCMNS) was in part the brainchild of the International Atomic Energy Agency! Professor Thomas Dolan (pictured to the right) then head of physics in their Vienna office suggested at ICCF-9 in 2002 that to promote cold fusion research a society was needed, one with a good name, a proper journal, and awards for outstanding work.
In 2003, after ICCF10, the late Dr. William (Bill) Collis with help from Professors Akito Takahashi, John Dash and Xing Zhong Li drafted a constitution for the group, and created legal structures to hold any assets. With the help of many, including Professor Akito Takahashi and the Mayor of Asti, the Preparata silver and Toyoda gold medals were minted and gifted to the society by their respective families. A journal, the JCMNS, edited by Jean-Paul Biberian, was launched in 2003 and continues under his care as editor in chief. At a meeting held at ICCF-25 in 2023 Lynn Bowen, Jean-Paul Biberian and Alan Smith proposed a new team that reflects the international nature of our 270 members and will enable the ISCMNS to grow, prosper, and to show the world what science can achieve when determined people work hard and come together with one voice to make great things happen.
Dr. Tom Dolan
Alan Smith
Dr. Bill Collis
Lynn Bowen